Taking a Pay Cut : A European Trip in the Planning

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Just received my first ‘reduced’ pay today.  $168.38 cents a fortnight less for the next 13 pays (26 weeks) in exchange for 10 extra days leave in May 2011.  What’s that work out to (quick maths calculation takes place): $2,200 for ten extra days of freedom.  I think that’s a pretty good buy.

So, all going well I get a flight out of Australia 21 April 2011,  the night before Good Friday (because there will be so many cheap flights out just before Easter), and fly back in Sunday 29th May starting back at work the next day where I can get over my jet lag and wallet pains in the safety of my own desk.  Give or take a few days for flights, that leaves me five glorious weeks(30 – 35 days) of travel.  Now I just have to figure out what to do with it.

The idea started with me ticking off one of the Hundred Things I have to do list, by spending ANZAC day (25th April) at Gallipoli then …
Maybe fly / ferry to southern Italy, the Amalfi Coast and Rome, train up to Venice (tick the Gondola box) then bike/train my way up through the Alps into Germany, taster trip through Scandanavia, then ferry across to the Orkneys, bike ride through the outer Hebrides and home from Glasgow.  Gives me a good excuse to buy a folding bike.


fly / ferry to southern Italy, the Amalfi Coast and Rome, train up to Venice (tick the Gondola box) then instead head west, and spend some time cycling in the Pyrenees before heading up to do the Scotland bit.


maybe just head from Turkey to Egypt, see those darn pyramids, get down to Kenya and climb Killimanjaro and see all that wildlife (wonder when they’re around?).  Be a cheaper, more adventurous option.


maybe head from Turkey up to Moscow, catch the Siberian Railway across to china and go visit the great wall instead.


maybe I should just head straight to the Outer Hebridies after Turkey for a couple of weeks, then come home via the US and spend some time cycling there …

Oh, the pleasures you can buy for a few thousand dollars.  Even the planning is fun!!

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